1966 PA30B Twin Comanche N8197Y - Price Pending
Updated Avionics - Nice Interior - Great Time Builder!!
N8197Y is a no damage 1966 Twin Comanche B Model, with an updated panel boasting dual Garmin G5's, an Avidyne IFD-540, Garmin GLD-88 ADS-B I/O and Electronics International CGR-30P engine management system. The airplane can serve well as a "fly-it-now" time builder or as a platform for future upgrades to a solid airframe with excellent maintenance. Although the aircraft has high engine time, compressions remain excellent at 78 or higher. We consider this airplane a good value based on it's exceptional maintenance, and asking price. additionally, the owner has a new STEC 55X A/P ready for install and available at an additional cost.
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- Serial Number 30-1316
- Registration N8197Y
- AFTT 4,335
- Hobbs 391.3
- Seats 6 Total - 4 Adult 2 Child
- Damage History Minor
- Hangared Yes
- Complete Original Logs Yes
- Located Warm Springs, GA - 5A9
- Annual Due 07/31/25
- Heater Decay Due 08/31/25
- Txp / Static Check Due Due Now
- ELT Batteries Due 07/19/26
- AD 77-13-21 Part A Due 5,141.4 AFTT
- W&B (lbs) GW 3,600, EW 2,413.64, Useful 1,186.36, CG 82.88"
- ADS-B Garmin GDL-88 ADS-B In/Out Transceiver
- Autopilot Altimatic III 2-Axis A/P (Coupled, Inop)*
- Audio Panel / Marker Receiver PS Engineering PMA 8000BT
- Digital Instruments Dual Garmin G5s
- Digital Instruments EI SC-5 Super Clock
- GPS 1 Avidyne IFD-540 IFR WAAS GPS
- NavComm 1 Garmin SL30 w/ KI-209 Indicator
- Engine Management EI CGR-30P w/ CGR-30C Fuel Gauge
- Transponder Garmin GTX 327
- Other Avionics Master, *New STEC 55X Available for Sale, Standby AI & DG
Aircraft Data - PA30B
- Dimensions Height 8 ft 3 in, Wing Span: 36 ft 0 in, Length: 25 ft 2 in, Tailplane Span: 12 ft 6 in, Wheel Track: 9 ft 10 in, Wheelbase: 7 ft 4 in, Turn Radius 25 ft 6 in, Prop Ground Clearance 10 in, Cabin Height: 3 ft 4 In, Cabin Width: 3 ft 8 In, Cabin Length: X ft X In, Door Height: 3 ft 0 In, Door Width: X ft 1 In, Cabin Door 20" x 20"
- Operating Weights Max Ramp Wt (Standard/Tips): 3,600/3,725 lbs, MaxT/O Wt: 3,600/3,725 lbs, Max Landing Wt: 3,600/3,725 lbs, Standard Empty Wt: 2,207 Lb, Normal Fuel Capacity: 504 lbs, Aux Fuel Capacity: 720 lbs, Max Useful Load: 1,393 Lb, Payload W/Full Normal Fuel: 796 lbs, Max Baggage Wt: 200 lbs, Baggage Area Volume 20 cu ft
- Wing Area/Loading Area 178 SF, Loading 20.2 lbs/sq ft w/o tip tanks , 19.71 lbs/sq ft w/tip tanks
- Power Loading 11.3 lb/hp w/o tip tanks, 12.28 lb/hp w/tip tanks
- Wheel Base 7.3 ft
- Wheel Tread 9.8 ft
- Oil Capacity 8 Qts Each Engine
- Fuel Normal 90 Gal Total, 84 Gal Useable (504 lbs), w/ Tip Tanks 120 Gal (720 lbs)
- Range With Normal Fuel (90 Gal) @ (75%) 785 NM, @ (55%) 825 NM, With Aux Fuel (120 Gal) @ (75%) 1,120 NM, @ (55%) 1,265 NM
Performance - PA30B
- Distances T/O Ground Roll: 940 ft, T/O 50ft Obstacle: 1,530 ft, Landing Distance: 700 ft, Landing Distance 50ft Obstacle: 1,870 ft
- Performance Initial Rate of Climb: 1,460 fpm Max Speed: 178 kts, Normal Cruise: 172 kts, Economy Cruise: 144 kts, Service Ceiling: 20,000 ft, SE Absolute Ceiling 7,100 ft, SE Service Ceiling 5,800 ft
Engines & Propellers
- Engines Left Engine - Lycoming IO-320-B1A, 160 HP, 2,000 TBO, S/N L-2816-55A, 2249.1 SMOH in 1982, Compressions 78/78/78/78.. Right Engine - Lycoming IO-320-B1A, 160 HP, 2,000 TBO. S/N RL-2802-55A, 2249.1 SMOH in 1982 , Compressions 78/80/78/78
- Propellers Left Propeller - Hartzell Model HC-E2YL-2BSF, 72" Diameter, Hub S/N BG2508, 1,928 SPOH - Right Propeller - Hartzell Model HC-E2YK-2BLS,72" Diameter, Hub S/N BG2742, 1,932 SPOH
Airframe Enhancements / Modifications
- Paint In 1988, aircraft was completely stripped, Alodine etched, primed and painted with Amer-Flint II Polar White (#119-10511) polyurethane, Blue (#119-17647-RE) and Gold (119-25222-GR) by Callow Aircraft Paint in Bunnell, FL. Paint is rated 6/10.
- Interior Light Cream Leatherette Seats & Side Panels, Navy Carpet 7/10
- Other Modifications One Piece Arapahoe W/S, LED Landing Lights, Small Nose Wheel STC, Johnston Wingtips, Flap & Aileron Gaps Seals, Gear Lobe Fairings, Static Wicks, LED Nav Lights, K2U Baggage Door Pneumatic Strut, Gear Mirror, Whelen LED Beacon, Tinted Glass, Shoulder Harnesses, Ground Power Receptacle, Updated Control Yokes, Copilot AI and DG, New Fuel Cells in 2017, EZ Heat Oil Sump Heaters, Tinted Visors
Performance - PA30B
- Speeds Never Exceed Speed Vne: 200 kts, Top Speed 178 kts, Cruise Speed 172 kts, Max Structural Cruise Vno: 169 kts, Flaps Ext Speed Vfe: 108 kts, Landing Gear Extension Vlo: 130 kts, Landing Gear Extension Vlo & Vle: 130 kts, Minimum Controllable Vmc: 70 kts, Stall Speed VS1: 66 kts, Stall Speed Vso: 60 kts, Maneuvering Speed Va: 132 kts, Rotate Speed Vr: 75 kts, Best Angle Vx: 78 kts, Best Rate Vy: 97 kts, Best Angle Single Engine Vxse: 82 ktsBest Rate Single Engine Vyse: 91 kts, Vglide: 96 kts, Vapproach: 83 kts
Aircraft Location
St. Roosevelt Memorial Airport - 5A9
Warm Springs, GA, USA