1969 Piper PA30C Twin Comanche N682F - SOLD
Immaculate - Always Hangared - No Damage - Low-Time
N682F (formerly N8796Y), Serial Number 30-1955, is a beautiful, late model 1969 PA30C Twin Comanche that has been meticulously cared for. Only 45 more PA-30 designated Twin Comanches were ever built after this one before Piper equipped the airplane with counter-rotating engines and changed the model designation to the PA39. This airplane has been lovingly maintained, always hangared, and is equipped with multiple speed mods. And with only 3,705 airframe total time and 420 hours on Airmark engines, it is sure to provide the new owner with years of dependable service.
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- Serial Number 30-1955
- Registration N682F
- AFTT 3,705.1
- Seats 4 Seats
- Prior Damage History None
- Hangared Yes
- Logbooks Complete & Original
- Located KTLH
- Annual Due 10/31/24
- Txp / Static Check Due 10/31/25
- ELT Battery Change Due 02/28/26
- AD 77-13-21 Part A Due 4,282 AFTT
- W&B (lbs) GW 3,600, EW 2,430.09, Useful 1,169.91, CG 82.26"
- Autopilot Century 4000 Digital A/P
- ADS-B Garmin GTX 345 ADS-B In/Out
- Audio Panel PS Engineering PMA8000B
- Chronometer Electronic International (EI) ASC-5A
- Comm Receiver Garmin SL40
- Engine Management EI E2
- Engine Management EI CC-1P CHT Digital Gauge
- Fuel Flow Computer Dual EI FP-5 Digital Gauges
- GPS 1 Garmin GNS 430W WAAS GPS
- HSI Century NSD-360A
- Storm Avoidance 3M WX 8 Stormscope
- Transponder Garmin GTX 345 ADS-B In/Out
- Other Avionics Master Switch, Dual PTT Switches
Published Aircraft Data - PA30C
- Dimensions Height 8 ft 3 in, Wing Span: 36 ft 0 in (36 ft 8 in w/ Tip Tanks), Length: 25 ft 3 in, Cabin Height: 4 ft 2 in, Cabin Width 3 ft 6 in, Cabin Length 9 ft 0 in, Door Height: 2 ft 8 in, Door Width 2 ft 10 in, Baggage Door 19 in x 21 in, Wheel Base 7.3 ft, Wheel Tread 9.8 ft, Prop Diameter 72 in
- Weights & Capacities Maximum Ramp Weight 3,600 lbs, Maximum Takeoff Weight 3,600 lbs, Maximum Landing Weight: 3,600 lbs, Standard Empty Weight 2,207 lbs, Fuel Capacity 90 Gal, Useful Fuel 84 gal, Maximum Oil Capacity (each engine) 8 qts, Maximum Useful Load 1,317 Lb, Maximum Useful Load w/ Full Fuel 853 lbs, Payload w/Full Fuel: 597 lbs, Maximum Baggage Capacity 250 lbs, Baggage Space 20 cu ft
- Wing Data Wing rea 178 sf, Wing Loading 20.2 lbs/sf, Power Loading 11.3 lbs/hp
- Service Information Tire Pressure (Nose) 42 psi, Tire Pressure (Mains) 42 psi, Tire Size 6.00 x 6
Published Performance Data - PA30C
- Performance T/O Ground Roll 1,250 ft, T/O Over 50' Obstacle 2,160 ft, Landing Distance 700 ft, Landing Distance Over 50' Obstacle 2,100 ft, Initial Rate of Climb: 1,460 fpm, Best SE Rate Of Climb 260 fpm, Absolute Ceiling 20,000 ft, Service Ceiling 18,600 ft, Single Engine Absolute Ceiling 7,100 ft, Single Engine Service Ceiling 5,800 ft
Engines & Propellers
- Engines Left - Lycoming IO-320-B1A, 160 HP, 2,000 TBO. S/N L-4351-55A, 419.4 SMOH in 1982 by Airmark Engines, Inc., Compressions 74/ 72/ 72/ 79/. Right - Lycoming IO-320-B1A, 160 HP, 2,000 TBO. S/N L-4350-55A, 419.4 SMOH in 1982 by Airmark Engines, Inc., Compressions 78/ 72/ 72/ 78/
- Propellers Hartzell Model HC-E2YL-2BFS 2 Blade Propellers, Left Propeller - 419.4 SPOH by Hartzell Propeller in 2012, Hub S/N BG5252B, Right Propeller - 419.4 SPOH by Hartzell Propeller in 2012, Hub S/N BG5247B
Airframe Enhancements / Modifications
- Paint Aircraft painted in June of 2007 by Tri-D Upholstery in Elmore, AL using Matterhorn White base coat, M1152 Cherry Red Trim Color, F2573 Silver Trim Color and F1929 Moca Frost Trim Color - Rated 9/10
- Interior Refurbished interior seats, side panels, and headliner in 2007 by Tri-D Upholstery in Elmore, AL using all new Buckskin colored leather. Installed matching carpeting at same time.
- Other Reiff Engine Heaters, One Piece Windshield, New Cabin Cover (Never Used), Gear Lobe Fairings, Flap Gap Seals, Speed Spinners, One Piece Windshield, Bogart Copper Cable Kit, Bogart SS Bogart Battery Box, Whelen LED Beacon, Ground Power Plug, Plane Power Alternators, Sky-Tec Starters, Small Nose Wheel STC, Avionics Master Switch, SS Hardware, SS Camlock Cowling Fasteners, Copilot Vent Window, Main Gear Hubcaps, SS Brake Hoses, Met-Co-Aire Performance Wing Tips, Phill-Air Exhaust Extension Tubes, Hobbs Meter
Published Performance Data - PA30C
- Speeds Max Speed Vne: 230 mph, Max Structural Cruise Vno: 194 mph, Flaps Ext Speed Vfe: 125 mph, Landing Gear Extension Vlo: 150 mph, Landing Gear Extension Vle: 150 mph, Minimum Controllable Vmc: 90 mph, Stall Speed Vs1: 76 mph, Stall Speed Vs0: 69 mph, Maneuvering Speed Va: 162 mph, Best Angle Vx: 90 mph, Best Rate Vy: 112 mph, Best Rate Single Engine Vyse: 105 mph, Best Angle Single Engine Vxse 94 mph
- Range In Statute Miles Range @75% Power w/ 45 Min Reserve 892 sm, Range @65% Power w/ 45 Min Reserve 967 sm, Range @55% Power w/ 45 Min Reserve 1,015 sm
Aircraft Location
Tallahassee International Airport - KTLH
Tallahassee, FL, USA